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/ Wildcat Gold - The Optical BBS / Wildcat Gold - The Optical BBS (The Golden ROM Series)(Volume 4 Number 1)(The Digital Publishing Company)(1992).ISO / dbase / ssql22.zip

Document (6)
NameFormat# PagesSizeDate
BRANCH.DBF dBase/FoxBase/XBase/FoxPro Database File 1 151b 1990-01-02
CUST.DBF dBase/FoxBase/XBase/FoxPro Database File 1 294b 1990-01-02
EMP.DBF dBase/FoxBase/XBase/FoxPro Database File 1 445b 1990-01-02
MANU.DBF dBase/FoxBase/XBase/FoxPro Database File 1 347b 1990-01-02
PROD.DBF dBase/FoxBase/XBase/FoxPro Database File 1 170b 1990-01-02
SALES.DBF dBase/FoxBase/XBase/FoxPro Database File 1 532b 1990-01-02

Text (6)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
EDIT.FIL Text File 3 18b 1989-01-02
ERROR.DAT Text File 1 12KB 1990-01-01
ORDER.FRM Text File 65 2KB 1990-01-07
PRINTDOC.BAT DOS Batch File 4 41b 1990-01-07
READ.ME Text File 13 449b 1990-01-07
SSQL.DOC Text File 4,458 164KB 1990-01-20

Other Files (8)
CONVERT.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 42KB 1990-01-01
SSQL.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 123KB 1990-01-07
BRANCH.SQD All Null Bytes 256b 1990-01-02
CUST.SQD All Null Bytes 256b 1990-01-02
SALES.SQD All Null Bytes 256b 1990-01-02
EMP.SQD Unknown 256b 1990-01-02
MANU.SQD Unknown 256b 1990-01-02
PROD.SQD Unknown 256b 1990-01-02